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1. Settlement (ILR) Paths for Individuals Arriving in the United Kingdom

Many people wish to move to the UK in order to settle down, but they often have no idea what they want to do once they’re here.

Indeed, our clients frequently ask us how to settle in the UK as quickly as possible. For both individuals who are already in the UK and those who are looking to travel there, this article will list some of the shortest paths to settlement or indefinite leave to remain (ILR).

2. After two years, settle in the UK

In the Tier 1 Investor category, the Accelerated Settlement procedure is the fastest path to Indefinite Leave to Remain. For people who have made and kept an investment of at least £10 million in the UK, there is a settlement option after just two years.

New candidates are no longer able to apply for the Tier 1 Investor route. A Tier 1 Investor Migrant may, however, request for an extension of their stay or for indefinite leave to remain if they currently hold entry clearance or leave to enter or remain. Until February 17, 2026, applications for further leave to continue as a Tier 1 Investor are accepted. Until February 17, 2028, applications for indefinite leave to continue as a Tier 1 Investor, including through the Accelerated Settlement procedure, are accepted. Investors’ dependents must remain in the UK for a full five years and are not eligible for an accelerated settlement.

3. After three years, settle in the UK

There are various opportunities for settlement in the UK after three years. These consist of:

  • Settlement accelerated for Tier 1 investors
  • Settlement accelerated for Tier 1 entrepreneurs
  • Support in the category of Global Talent
  • Support in the category of innovators

If an investor wants to retire after three years, they must invest and keep at least £5 million in the UK. As previously stated, new candidates are no longer able to apply through the Tier 1 Investor route. Nonetheless, until February 17, 2028, current holders of Tier 1 Investor visas may request indefinite leave to continue as Tier 1 Investors, including under the Accelerated Settlement pathway. Investors’ dependents are not entitled to an expedited settlement.

If an entrepreneur wants to settle after three years, they must demonstrate that their experience and investment have produced at least ten jobs for the settled people in the UK, or else they must demonstrate that their business has generated at least £5 million in revenue. For people who have joined already-existing companies, this represents a net gain in employment or turnover. New applicants are no longer able to apply for the Tier 1 Entrepreneur Pathway. However, you have until May 4, 25 to apply to settle in the UK as a Tier 1 Entrepreneur, including through the accelerated option, provided you presently possess a Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa. Entrepreneurs’ dependents must remain in the UK for five years and are not eligible for fast settlement.

After being in the UK continuously for three years, holders of Global Talent visas who still meet the requirements for an extension of stay may apply for indefinite leave to remain if:

  • The Royal Society, British Academy, Royal Academy of Engineering, or UKRI approved them; or
  • They received approval from Tech Nation or Arts Council England based on the extraordinary talent requirement; or
  • A reward from Appendix Global Talent: Prestigious Prizes was used to award their initial submission.

Last but not least, holders of Innovator Founder visas who have received the endorsement of an authorised UK endorsing body and can provide proof of at least two business accomplishments in compliance with the Immigration Rules are eligible for indefinite leave to stay in the UK following a continuous three-year stay.

There is no deadline for applying for entrance or Indefinite Leave to Remain in the Global Talent or Innovator Founder categories, but the Investor and Entrepreneur categories are restricted to new applicants and have a deadline for submitting an application.

Please be aware that only the primary applicant is eligible for an accelerated settlement in any category where dependents are not. This implies that it may be more sensible for both couples to apply as Main Applicants rather than one Main Applicant and one Dependant if the objective is for the complete family to settle in the UK as soon as possible.

If both adults are eligible for endorsement in the Global Talent category, for instance, it might make sense for a family consisting of two married adults and two children to apply jointly. This would enable the entire family to settle in three years as opposed to one member receiving settlement and the other members having to wait an additional two years. Unless one parent has complete parental responsibility, children are not allowed to settle until both parents have done so, but they are also exempt from the five-year restriction.

4. Settle In the UK After 5 Years

The following categories have a five-year settlement path:

  • Investor Tier 1 (£2 million)
  • Entrepreneur Tier 1 (2 jobs)
  • Global Talent (if you were previously approved by Tech Nation or Arts Council England based on “exceptional promise” criteria)
  • Skilled Worker
  • Scale-up
  • International Sportsperson (if allowed leave as an international athlete for more than 12 months at any time during the previous 5 years)
  • Minister of Religion (T2)
  • Sole Representative of an Overseas Business
  • Unmarried Partner, Civil Partner, or Spouse
  • Ancestry in the UK
  • Hong Kong (BNO)

5. Settlement Paths for Individuals Already in the United Kingdom

By mixing several types of leave together, rather than beginning a fresh leave period, those who are currently in the UK may have a speedier path to settlement. In certain categories, the relevant period for settlement can be derived from a combination of time periods in multiple categories.

The five-year qualifying term for settlement or ILR on the Skilled Worker route can be met by combining time spent in the UK as a skilled worker with time spent in the following routes: Tier 1 Migrant (apart from as a Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) Migrant), Global Talent, Innovator, International Sportsperson, Representative of an Overseas Business, Scale-up, or permission on any other route, while the applicant was awaiting a decision on their application as a Skilled Worker, provided that the application was for permission to stay, was submitted between 24 January 2020 and 30 June 2021 (inclusive), and was supported on the application date by a Certificate of Sponsorship assigned by a licensed sponsor and granted.

Time spent in the UK as a Global Talent migrant can be coupled with time spent in the following categories in order to meet the 3 or 5 year qualifying term for settlement or ILR on the Global Talent route: Tier 1 (except from Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur)), Global Talent, Innovator, Skilled Worker, T2 Minister of Religion, T2 Sportsperson).

The five-year qualifying period for settlement or ILR on the Scale-up route can be fulfilled by combining time spent in the UK as a Scale-up visa holder with time spent in the following routes: a T2 Minister of Religion, an international athlete, a skilled worker, a global talent, an innovator, a representative of an overseas company, or a Tier 1 migrant other than a Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur);
To fulfil the five-year qualifying period for settlement or ILR on the International Sportsperson route, time spent in the UK as an International Sportsperson may be coupled with time spent in the following categories: International Sportsperson, Global Talent, Innovator, T2 Minister of Religion, Representative of an Overseas Business, Tier 1 (apart from Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) routes), or permission on any other route, while the applicant awaited a decision on their application as an International Sportsperson, provided that the application was for permission to stay, was submitted between 24 January 2020 and 30 June 2021, and was backed up on the application date by a Certificate of Sponsorship issued by a licensed sponsor and approved.
To fulfil the five-year qualifying period for settlement or ILR on the T2 Minister of Religion route, time spent in the UK as a Minister of Religion may be combined with time spent in the following routes: International sportsperson, T2 minister of religion, skilled worker, Tier 1 migrant (apart from a graduate entrepreneur), representative of an overseas company, innovator, or global talent.
For the following routes, the full qualifying term must be spent on the route in order to be eligible for settlement in the UK; time spent on one route cannot be combined with time spent on another route to reach the relevant 2, 3, or 5 year qualifying period:

  • Investor at Tier One
  • Entrepreneur at Tier One
  • Innovator
  • Sole Representative of an Overseas Business
  • Unmarried Partner, Civil Partner, or Spouse
  • Ancestry UK

For instance, an innovator who chooses to become a skilled worker does not have to begin their five-year period anew. However, unless they move back into the skilled worker category before requesting indefinite leave to remain based on five years of continuous residence, someone transitioning from skilled worker to innovator would have to begin a new three-year period.

Holders of Hong Kong BN(O) visas are required to remain in the UK for a continuous period of five years with permission on a route that allows them to settle; the most recent permission must have been on the Hong Kong BN(O) route.

It is crucial to remember that time spent as a Main Applicant and as a Dependent cannot be combined for a two-, three-, or five-year settlement path. It would be more sensible for person A to stay in the Skilled Worker route, if they are able to, rather than beginning a new five-year period as a Dependent. This is because, in the event that one partner (A) is in the UK as a Skilled Worker and their partner (B) is endorsed in the Global Talent category, B will begin a new route to settlement in the Global Talent category.

6. Long-Term Residence-Based Settlement

The Long Residence path is the most common way that various leave types are combined to achieve settlement. The ten-year period is the longest it will take to reach settlement, but it allows the applicant to combine leave periods in all categories, including those that do not result in settlement, like student, and those that are exempt from immigration control. For instance, a person who has been a student for six years and then transitions into the skilled worker category will be able to settle more quickly by taking the Long Residence path rather than waiting to finish five years in the skilled worker category. This category does not include time spent in the UK that falls under the visit-based categories.

7. Making a British citizenship application

The time frame needed for applicants to become naturalised British citizens will vary depending on how they get settlement. Five years in the UK is the minimum duration, and the final year must be free from immigration time limits. Practically speaking, this means that people who settle after two or three years can apply after five years, and people who settle after five years can apply after six years.
The only exception to this rule is if the applicant is married to a British national, in which case they can seek to become a naturalised citizen both right away after receiving Indefinite Leave to Remain and after three years. In actuality, this translates to a five-year period for people who fall under the spouse visa category.

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